Welcome to Tweeddale u3a
No longer working full time?
Tweeddale u3a - run by the members for the members.
We have over 30 interest groups.
Keep reading these pages or contact us for for more details.
Tweeddale u3a (Tu3a), serving the whole Tweeddale area, was founded in 2004 and now has over 200 members.
We offer:
- A programme of daytime educational, creative and leisure activities in a friendly and informal atmosphere
- A wide range of interest groups. Click on the Groups tab at the top of the page to find out more
- Monthly meetings with visiting speakers
- Outings to places of interest
- Social events
- A regular bulletin of announcements, news and events.
Activities are run by members for members, who share their interest and skills in a friendly informal way. You do not have to be an expert.
Since we learn for the pleasure of learning, no qualifications are required and none are given.
In addition, we hold open meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. There is an invited speaker at each meeting, followed by tea, coffee, biscuits and chat.
The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. For more about membership fees, and what membership entitles you to, click on the Membership tab at the top of the page.
See the Tu3a Committee and General Information for the list of office bearers and further information.
A little history ...
The u3a (previously known as the University of the Third Age) was founded in Paris in 1979 and is now an international organisation. It came to the UK in 1982 and there are currently over a quarter of a million members in over 1000 independently-run u3as under the umbrella of the Third Age Trust. Each u3a provides educational, creative and recreational activities in a friendly environment, and is open to anyone who is no longer in full-time employment. To learn more about the u3a movement, click here, which will take you to the UK national website, where you will find a wealth of information.
To find out more about the u3a's history, and its aims and guiding principles, follow the links to The u3a Story and Principles of the u3a Movement, which you can also access from the Third Age Trust's website. If you are already a member you can log in to view the members only pages.
Tweeddale u3a is on Facebook. Keep up to date with the latest news and chat to other members at: Tweeddale u3a on Facebook
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Registered Charity No. SC 037086